International Children's Digital Library

Books in Poems / Songs / Rhymes (alphabetical by title)

  1. Zunzarina palata
  2. Antologija srpske poezije za decu
  3. Pesme o majci
  4. Lepo je sve što je malo
  5. Antologija srpske priče za decu
  6. יינגל צינגל כוואט
  7. Vieilles chansons et rondes
  8. The world turned upside down
  9. شايد اسم من...
  10. Soms kietelt het
  11. Fun and Nonsense
  12. The Pied Piper of Hamelin
  13. More Goops and how not to be them
  14. Mesečev gost
  15. The complete collection of pictures and songs
  16. به قول پرستو
  17. פופציק לידער
  18. Going downtown
  19. House by the woods
  20. Whose cat is that
  21. داستان‌هاي شاهنامه
  22. Uspavanke za bebe životinje
  23. The baby's own Aesop
  24. London town
  25. The song of sixpence picture book
  26. Fünfzig Fabeln und Bilder aus der Jugendwelt
  27. Mother Goose finger plays
  28. باغ ايراني
  29. Pisma iz peršuna
  30. Divlje životinje
  31. Finsk bilderbok
  32. Kuvia Suomen lasten elämästä
  33. Kalevala kerrottuna nuorisolle
  34. The book of the cat
  35. מארצעפאנעס
  36. Denslow's Humpty Dumpty
  37. Baseball ABC
  38. The circus procession
  39. The Fireside picture alphabet
  40. King Winter
  41. The ladder to learning
  42. The illustrated alphabet of birds
  43. Sketches & scraps
  44. Our old nursery rhymes
  45. Humpty Dumpty
  46. Pesme za decu
  47. ילדים כותבים שלום = [al-Awlad yaktubuna al-salam] = Children write for peace = Kinder schreiben fur den Frieden
  48. Sveti Sava, prvi srpski prosvetitelj
  49. Richard Bird in the bush
  50. Denslow's Mother Goose
  51. افسانه درخت خرما و بزى
  52. Little songs of long ago
  53. A visit from Saint Nicholas
  54. Harlem
  55. The slant book
  56. The square book of animals
  57. Palleroisille iloksi
  58. The raven
  59. Le corbeau = The raven
  60. Karnaval = The carnival
  61. Ballad of the lost hare
  62. Death and burial of poor Cock Robin
  63. Gobolinks or shadow pictures
  64. Little Ann and other poems
  65. Čarolija
  66. قصه‌هاي شيرين شاهنامهء فردوسي
  67. A zašto ne bi
  68. A apple pie
  69. Фонарик
  70. The cheerful cricket and others
  71. Children of our town
  72. Из переписки с Коровой
  73. לידער פאר קינדער
  74. Carib breeze
  75. A child's garden of verses
  76. Pesme o pticama
  77. Pevanija za decu
  78. Sveti Sava za školu i dom
  79. Holly berries
  80. Ježeva kućica
  81. Čika Jova našoj deci
  82. Leto
  83. Jesen
  84. Zima
  85. Proleće
  86. Plavi čuperak u Garavom sokaku
  87. Novogodišnja slikovnica
  88. Songs for the nursery
  89. The diverting history of John Gilpin
  90. لطيفه‌‌هاي شيرين عبيدزاكاني
  91. بلبل باغ جهان حافظ
  92. شش غزل از حافظ
  93. افسانه
  94. اختر چرخ ادب
  95. گل بادام
  96. بر قايق ابرها
  97. گل اومد بهار اومد
  98. طوطي سبز هندي
  99. بچه‌هاي جهان
  100. كلاغ پر
  101. سرخ و صورتي
  102. Warum der kleine Delphin Purzelbäume schlägt
  103. Dragulji Jove Jovanovića Zmaja
  104. U marami jabuka
  105. Velika pesma o jednom malom jagnjetu
  106. Plavi čuperak
  107. Farmer's boy
  108. Čarobna šuma
  109. Moj trolejbus
  110. Mrav dobrog srca
  111. Još nam samo ale fale
  112. Čekam te
  113. The Bay and Padie book
  114. הימל און ערד
  115. Poštovana deco
  116. Ovde stanuju pesme
  117. Kako spavaju tramvaji
  118. Tom Thumb
  119. The milkmaid
  120. Mwana Kupona
  121. Night fall in the ti-tree
  122. A book for kids
  123. Kattresan
  124. La fábula quechua
  125. روز ابری من
  126. مارمولک دروغگو
  127. شعر رنگها
  128. Etwas von den Wurzelkindern
  129. Lachende Kinder
  130. דוקא כן ואי אפשר
  131. בואו עננים
  132. Naši prijatelji
  133. Nova slikovnica za dobru dječicu
  134. Nova slikovnica
  135. Slava mladosti
  136. ابرها مثل پشمك
  137. Prinz Grünewald und Perlenfein
  138. آمده ام دوست بدارم
  139. بين ما شمعداني است
  140. Im Himmel und auf der Erde
  141. Ball der Tiere
  142. Jung Mieze
  143. König Nussknacker und der arme Reinhold
  144. The Bo-Peep story books
  145. ספר הדברים
  146. Little boys and girls A.B.C.
  147. Ich kann schon französisch=Je sais le français
  148. Folgen der Zwietracht
  149. Bilder-ABC
  150. A child's garden of verses
  151. Auswahl von Fabeln für die Jugend
  152. Ringel Ringel Reihe
  153. מע שליסט אויס דערפאר
  154. Der Ball der Tiere
  155. پاييزيها
  156. Una aventura con los animales
  157. خانه ی قشنگ
  158. Cabriolas
  159. Gotitas de cariño y miel
  160. Hörcsög Herdinand új lakása
  161. Béka Béni bárja
  162. Хоёр ишиг
  163. شعری از گربه و موش
  164. Хүүхэд эрдэнэ
  165. Хүүхдийн баяр
  166. Хэний буруу вэ?
  167. Хэнз хурга
  168. Ээжийгээ хайрла
  169. Тоглоомууд яагаад зугтаа вэ?
  170. Эрх цэнхэр ишигний үлгэр
  171. Аав ээж би
  172. Адтай жаахан Алимаа охин
  173. Little line
  174. Comical pictures & serious stories
  175. Pussy's London life
  176. John Gilpin
  177. Three good friends
  178. Spirit of young America
  179. Childhood's delight
  180. Alphabet of fruits
  181. Aunt Louisa's picture puzzle alphabet
  182. Little market woman
  183. Little Bo-Peep
  184. Carrion crow
  185. Ten little pussy cats
  186. This little pig went to market
  187. Pretty Peggy and Pray papa
  188. Humorous pictures
  189. Nonsense for girls
  190. Tit, Tiny and Tittens
  191. Little man & maid
  192. Baby bunting stories
  193. The lightning express
  194. Seven Swabians
  195. Story of Tom Thumb
  196. Dolly's adventures
  197. Baa baa black sheep
  198. Proverbs for the nursery
  199. Little pussy cats
  200. Major's alphabet
  201. Little Red Riding Hood
  202. Prince Arthur's alphabet
  203. Hector the dog
  204. The old courtier
  205. Various kinds of babes in the wood at home, and abroad, in verse and picture
  206. Little Paul's Christmas
  207. Old nurse's book of rhymes, jingles, and ditties
  208. Aunt Louisa's Alphabet book
  209. Pipits
  210. My little darling's pictorial ABC [State 2]
  211. Comic animals and their adventures [State 2]
  212. The ABC of animals [State 2]
  213. How Jessie was lost [State 2]
  214. Little Miss Consequence [State 2]
  215. Lily Sweet-briar's birthday [State 2]
  216. Child's play
  217. Nelson's oil-colour picture book for the nursery
  218. Little Bo Peep
  219. Babes in the wood
  220. Beautiful pictures for the young
  221. Arthur's alphabet
  222. In fairyland
  223. Fairy Mary's dream
  224. Nonsense songs, stories, botany, and alphabets
  225. Max and Maurice
  226. Rhymes for the little ones
  227. Ten little negro boys
  228. Jack Spratt
  229. At home
  230. Froggy would a-wooing go
  231. Discontented frogs
  232. Bright happy days
  233. Set of china
  234. The Robin's Christmas eve
  235. Book of trades
  236. Picture rhymes of happy times
  237. King and the abbot
  238. Tom the piper's son and other rhymes
  239. Proud little lady and other stories
  240. The baby's "début"
  241. The proud girl
  242. Children in the wood
  243. Frisky the squirrel
  244. Mother Goose rhymes
  245. A was an archer
  246. My little darling's pictorial ABC [State 1]
  247. Our pets
  248. Pictures and rhymes for the wee ones
  249. My mother
  250. Our darlings' A.B.C. book
  251. All round the year
  252. Little six years old
  253. ABC rhymes
  254. Hans Thumbling and other stories
  255. Dreams, dances, and disappointments
  256. Fun and frolic ABC
  257. The ABC of animals [State 1]
  258. Colonial alphabet for the nursery
  259. Alphabet of country scenes
  260. Three little kittens
  261. Sing a song for sixpence
  262. The babes in the wood
  263. Frog he would a-wooing go
  264. Pilgrim's progress
  265. Pilgrim's progress
  266. Baby's birthday and how it was spent
  267. The three jovial huntsmen
  268. Buttercups and daisies and other pretty flowers
  269. Silver sixpence
  270. Little Miss Consequence [State 1]
  271. Lily Sweet-briar's birthda. [Sate 1]
  272. Nursery rhymes
  273. Sing a song of six-pence
  274. Puss in boots
  275. Boys and girls at play
  276. Little Dame Crump
  277. Old nursery rhymes
  278. Little Margaret's ride
  279. Sing-song
  280. Favourite picture book for the nursery
  281. Mores ridiculi
  282. Old friends and new faces
  283. Children's crusade
  284. The little old woman
  285. Faithful friend
  286. Punch and Judy
  287. Good children
  288. Bob's school days
  289. Christmas boxes
  290. Nursery songs
  291. Nursery rhymes
  292. The ABC of animals and birds
  293. Dash's holiday
  294. Nursery rhymes
  295. Routledge's coloured picture book
  296. Valentine and Orson
  297. Fairy ABC
  298. Nursery rhymes
  299. Cinderella
  300. Hey diddle diddle
  301. Boys ... banner book
  302. Who killed Cock Robin?
  303. Three good friends, Lily, Carrie & Floss
  304. The fairy horn
  305. Jack in the box
  306. Cinderella and the little glass slipper
  307. Doings of the alphabet [State 2]
  308. Aunt Louisa's welcome visitor
  309. Aunt Kitty's stories
  310. Valentine and Orson
  311. ABC of objects
  312. Hours of sunshine
  313. On the tree top
  314. Riddle book
  315. Childhood's playtime
  316. Play hours
  317. My dog Tray
  318. London alphabet
  319. Country alphabet
  320. Good times and merry rhymes
  321. Babes in the wood
  322. Diverting history of John Gilpin
  323. Abou-Hassan
  324. Jack and Jill
  325. Lear's book of nonsense
  326. The winters tale
  327. Mother Goose's chimes, rhymes and jingles
  328. Aunt Friendly's picture book
  329. Buzz a buzz
  330. Maud Irving
  331. Routledge's Sunday album for children
  332. Fables of John Gay (somewhat altered)
  333. A.L.O.E.'s Sunday picture book
  334. Aunt Friendly's nursery keepsake
  335. Jackdaw of Rheims
  336. Ditties for little children
  337. Surprising stories about the mouse and her sons, and the funny pigs
  338. Mamma's Sunday book of Bible stories: for her very little folks
  339. Lost lamb
  340. Wonder-eyes and what for
  341. Toy book keepsake
  342. Mother Goose's melodies
  343. Mother's last words
  344. Routledge's picture gift-book
  345. Pictures for pets with rambling rhymes
  346. Ring-a-round-a-rosy
  347. Dame Wiggins of Lee
  348. Little ramblers
  349. Mother Hubbard and her dog
  350. At the seaside
  351. The cruise of the walnut shell
  352. The tempest
  353. The book of brave old ballads
  354. The fairies
  355. The queen of hearts
  356. Aunt Louisa's the globe alphabet
  357. Cock Robin and Jenny Wren
  358. Ride a cock horse to Banbury + & A farmer went trotting upon his grey mare
  359. The taming of the shrew
  360. The doings of the alphabet
  361. Jingles & jokes for little folks
  362. Putnam the brave
  363. Afternoon tea
  364. Aunt Louisa's nursery favourite
  365. Little heads & little hearts
  366. Three little kittens
  367. Child's ABC book
  368. مداد کوتاه
  369. Bögre család
  370. Se füle, se farka
  371. Halpénzen vett világ
  372. Hol voltam
  373. דאס קעצעלע
  374. די פאטשט
  375. די גילדערנע פאווע
  376. Повесть о рыжем Мотеле, господине инспекторе, раввине Исайе и комиссаре Блох
  377. Yankee Mother Goose
  378. פורים איז אַ שפיל אַזאַ
  379. Old nursery rhymes
  380. Our Mother Goose
  381. Mother Goose, or, The old nursery rhymes
  382. Sing a song for sixpence
  383. Dutch Mother Goose
  384. Mother Goose
  385. Old Mother Hubbard
  386. Mother Goose's melody
  387. XHNΩΔIA, or, The classical Mother Goose
  388. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes
  389. Songs for the nursery
  390. Mother Goose's melodies
  391. Mother Goose's melodies
  392. Mother Goose melodies
  393. The only true Mother Goose melodies
  394. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes
  395. Mother Goose in white
  396. The original Mother Goose's melody
  397. The baby's opera
  398. Mother Goose's melodies
  399. The teenie weenie man's Mother Goose
  400. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes and nursery songs
  401. Mother Goose's quarto of nursery rhymes
  402. Grandmama Easys lullaby songs
  403. The true Mother Goose
  404. Mother Goose's melodies for children, or, Songs for the nursery
  405. Twenty four pictures from Mother Goose
  406. La Mére L'oie
  407. National nursery rhymes and nursery songs
  408. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes and nursery songs
  409. Mother Goose set to music
  410. The old fashioned Mother Goose' melodies
  411. The Mother Goose
  412. Mother Goose, or, The old nursery rhymes
  413. Mother Goose of '93
  414. Mother Goose, or, The old nursery rhymes
  415. The original Mother Goose melodies
  416. The only true Mother Goose melodies
  417. The only true Mother Goose melodies
  418. The original Mother Goose's melody
  419. Mother [Goose] in hieroglyphics
  420. Mother Goose rhymes
  421. The lover's Mother Goose
  422. Mother Goose's quarto of nursery rhymes
  423. Mother Goose in white
  424. Mother Goose's chimes
  425. Mother Gooses' rhymes
  426. Mother Goose jingles
  427. The Old Mother Goose nursery rhyme book
  428. Mother Goose
  429. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes
  430. Mama's old time jingles
  431. Mother Goose melodies
  432. Mother Goose's melody
  433. Oranges and lemons
  434. The Mother Goose book
  435. Tales from Mother Goose
  436. Mother Goose, or, National nursery rhymes
  437. Little Bo-Peep Mother Goose
  438. Moral emblems
  439. Little poems for little children
  440. Little poems for little children
  441. The alphabet in rhyme
  442. Beadle's dime song book no. 10
  443. The Belle songster
  444. The little riddler
  445. Little stories for young folks
  446. Book of pictures and verses
  447. Moral emblems
  448. The morning ramble
  449. Mother Goose's melody
  450. Child's picture book
  451. Mother's last words
  452. The multiplication table in rhyme for young arithmeticians
  453. My father
  454. The death and burial of Cock Robin
  455. My little song book
  456. My mother
  457. Figures in verse and simple rhymes for little learners
  458. The flower-vase, or, Pretty poems for good little children
  459. Flowers for a juvenile garland
  460. Gems for girls and boys
  461. The graver & the pen, or, Scenes from nature with appropriate verses
  462. Hinty Minty
  463. Juvenile pastimes
  464. Juvenile poems
  465. The history of Goody Two Shoes
  466. Not I
  467. Nursery rhymes
  468. Old grand-papa
  469. The pet lamb, in rhythm
  470. Poetic gift
  471. Infant hymns
  472. [Father at home]
  473. The babes in the wood, in verse
  474. Child's book of poetry
  475. The death and burial of Cock Robin
  476. The dirty child
  477. Flowers for the nursery, or, A good child's nosegay
  478. Gems for girls and boys
  479. Grandmamma's book of rhymes for the nursery
  480. The jolly fisherman
  481. The life and death of Cock Robin
  482. Life on the farm in amusing rhyme
  483. Little rhymes for little readers
  484. The magic ring
  485. The multiplication table in rhyme for young arithmeticians
  486. My little song book
  487. The primrose
  488. Parables in verse
  489. Pleasing poetry and pictures for the mind and eye
  490. The red squirrel
  491. Poetic gift
  492. Rhymes for the nursery
  493. Rhymes after meat
  494. Simple poems for infant minds
  495. The snow-drop
  496. The story book in verse
  497. The story book in verse
  498. Rhymes for the nursery
  499. The seasons
  500. The shepherd boy
  501. The story book in verse
  502. The snow-drop
  503. Sweets for leisure hours, or, Flowers of instruction
  504. The true story of a little boy who cheated himself
  505. Tommy True, the industrious scholar, and little Agnes
  506. The two cousins and the water-cress girl
  507. The tragi-comic history of the burial of Cock Robin
  508. Mother Goose's melodies
  509. Little verses for good children
  510. The little gift, or, Pictures and verses for infant readers
  511. The history of Aladdin, or, The wonderful lamp
  512. The tiny picture book
  513. Өвдөгцөө ус
  514. Эрдмийн далайн аялал - 1
  515. Одод өглөө хаана очдог вэ?
  516. Ойн цэвэрлэгээ
  517. Олддоггүй охин
  518. Ертөнцийн гурав
  519. Оньсого
  520. Унаганы зүс
  521. Хэн хэлнэ вэ?
  522. Норовын намтар
  523. Цонх 1
  524. Бурхан халдун харж байна
  525. Аав ээж би
  526. Аймаар том нохой буюу наргиантай шүлгүүд
  527. Өргөө
  528. Мундаг хүүхэд
  529. Сайн хүүхэд
  530. Тэмээ Томоо Тиймээ
  531. Их найрагч Нацагдоржийн эрдэнийн шүлгүүд
  532. ما برای تو هستیم
  533. Insect soup
  534. Noises from under the rug
  535. A little less noise
  536. Peculiar zoo
  537. The vege-men's revenge
  538. Mother Goose's menagerie
  539. Cantos del grillo
  540. Madejowe łoże
  541. Szczęśliwy światek
  542. Szkolne przygody Pimpusia Sadełko
  543. Filuś, Miluś i Kizia
  544. Baśń o szopce
  545. Wesołe chwile małych czytelników
  546. A Margarita